1. Adding Value to Data through Predictive Analysis
Discover the power of Data Intelligence and Smart Data:
You wish to refine your sales forecasts concerning your markets and achieve better pricing for your products, master the lifecycle of your active and inactive clients, accurately anticipate your expenses and purchases, better control your cash flow, retain your resources, and predict the evolution of your payroll…
Gain a competitive advantage from your large data pools (Big Data) with predictive analysis.
Master and deepen your forecasts and make the right decisions by relying on our Data Intelligence tools.
Predictive and prescriptive analysis, an excellent lever for your company, combines operational and financial data to improve profitability and company growth.
June 2022 – 67 pages
2. Data Science: Utopia or Increased Necessity?
The “Data science” is a tremendous innovation lever. The quantity and quality of accessible data that facilitate understanding of customer behavior have literally soared. In order to exploit this information while avoiding significant (sometimes unnecessary) expenses in complex information systems and processes, it is necessary to analyze this new paradigm, which implies changes at three levels: volume, velocity, and variety of data.
June 2022 – 24 pages